Potter's House is an outdoor focussed preschool residing in the 1st Yapton and Ford Scout hut.
Set in an acre of land, we provide opportunity, activities and resources to stimulate natural development in children aged 2-5 years.
We are also a Forest School, focusing on building confidence and language development in our fantastic outdoor spaces.
The collective experience and vast training of our staff ensures your child has the best possible start to their school life and we work closely with the local schools to ensure transition to reception class is always smooth and natural.
All our sessions are £6.25 per hour and include all extra activities for free such as Multi Sports & the Baby Steps Dance
Our Sessions:
9am - 12pm
9am - 1pm
9am - 2pm
full day (9am-3pm)
Our term dates are the same as West Sussex Country Council and the local schools:
Spring term 2021
Starts: Monday 4 January
Half term: Monday 15 February to Friday 19 February
Ends: Thursday 1 April
Summer term 2021
Starts: Monday 19 April
Half term: Monday 31 May to Friday 4 June
Ends: Friday 23 July
Autumn term 2021
Starts: Thursday 2 September
Half term: Monday 25 October to Friday 29 October
Ends: Friday 17 December
Our preschool building is a fantastic shared use space. It is large & welcoming with all the facilities needed to entertain and educate your little ones throughout the day and a real community hub after Pre-school is packed away.
Outside you will find a vast amount of space for the children to explore at their leisure. Research shows that children develop more naturally with access to outdoor learning, so with this in mind we ensure the children are outside as much as possible.
We also have a cabin in the grounds which is solely for the pre-school and is decorated in calm pastel colours with a lovely soft carpet. We use this unique space for focus groups and a quiet space for children to do some focussed learning.
Essentially, we are parents. We understand how it feels leaving your child in the care of others, we understand how incredibly precious they are and we understand that you want the best possible care for them.
We endeavour to work with you every step of the way. We want your children to grow up believing in their abilities, believing that they can be absolutely anything they wish and believing that they are special enough to change the world.